Basic Usage

Baron provides two main functions:

  • parse to transform a string into Baron’s FST;
  • dumps to transform the FST back into a string.
In [1]: from baron import parse, dumps

In [2]: source_code = "def f(x = 1):\n    return x\n"

In [3]: fst = parse(source_code)

In [4]: generated_source_code = dumps(fst)

In [5]: generated_source_code
Out[5]: 'def f(x = 1):\n    return x\n'

In [6]: source_code == generated_source_code
Out[6]: True

Like said in the introduction, the FST keeps the formatting unlike ASTs. Here the following 3 codes are equivalent but their formatting is different. Baron keeps the difference so when dumping back the FST, all the formatting is respected:

In [7]: dumps(parse("a = 1"))
Out[7]: 'a = 1'

In [8]: dumps(parse("a=1"))
Out[8]: 'a=1'

In [9]: dumps(parse("a   =   1"))
Out[9]: 'a   =   1'


Baron also provides 3 helper functions show, show_file and show_node to explore the FST (in iPython for example). Those functions will print a formatted version of the FST so you can play with it to explore the FST and have an idea of what you are playing with.


show is used directly on a string:

In [10]: from baron.helpers import show

In [11]: show("a = 1")
        "first_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": " "
        "annotation_first_formatting": [], 
        "target": {
            "type": "name", 
            "value": "a"
        "annotation_second_formatting": [], 
        "operator": "", 
        "type": "assignment", 
        "annotation": {}, 
        "value": {
            "section": "number", 
            "type": "int", 
            "value": "1"
        "second_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": " "

In [12]: show("a +=  b")
        "first_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": " "
        "annotation_first_formatting": [], 
        "target": {
            "type": "name", 
            "value": "a"
        "annotation_second_formatting": [], 
        "operator": "+", 
        "type": "assignment", 
        "annotation": {}, 
        "value": {
            "type": "name", 
            "value": "b"
        "second_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": "  "


show_file is used on a file path:

from baron.helpers import show_file



show_node is used on an already parsed string:

In [13]: from baron.helpers import show_node

In [14]: fst = parse("a = 1")

In [15]: show_node(fst)
        "first_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": " "
        "annotation_first_formatting": [], 
        "target": {
            "type": "name", 
            "value": "a"
        "annotation_second_formatting": [], 
        "operator": "", 
        "type": "assignment", 
        "annotation": {}, 
        "value": {
            "section": "number", 
            "type": "int", 
            "value": "1"
        "second_formatting": [
                "type": "space", 
                "value": " "

Under the hood, the FST is serialized into JSON so the helpers are simply encapsulating JSON pretty printers.